This website is a repository of my writings that reflect both my external and inner journey. All writings can be download for personal use FOR FREE. Below some recently posted pieces if you are looking for a place to start.
“Each of us is born with unique talents in a unique moment of history which gives us the opportunity to make a unique contribution.”
“A successful external journey requires a successful inner journey. Adversity is part of the journey, but failures can teach us more than successes.”
Recent Postings
2020 The Story of How We Got Through (22 pp)
Asking how the crisis of the Pandemic of 2020 could be used to solve major societal problems, I imagined a great grandson in 2100 describing the reforms and political process that helped change the trajectory of the world.
2020 The Role of Faith in My Life (9 pp)
At the end of a recent presentation on Success in Your Career and Life I´m asked, “What role has faith played in your life?” My attempted answer describes the evolution of my faith through three phases.
2021 Grace for the Moment (1 p) Poem
Ten cousins in their seventies during lunch at the start of a new year share advice on aging, each painfully aware that several will not make it to the end of 2020.